Everyone worth his name, Govt or enterprise, has tried to make it's own OS from time to time; and other Indian agencies have tried this before as well. And now it's DRDO's turn.
I wandered over the net and found some serious criticiam and some slander. One such place was http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2010/10/indian_os.html. I wondered why many 'western' posts had a sharp tounge against Indian as such ....
Sure India has it's share of flaws; some major ones but India has managed to keep a democracy alive and kicking; and in today's world that's almost a miracle. Despite it's flaws (so well pointed out in the posts), India has the largest pool of fairly good English speaking and fairly good quality programmers, developers, testers and integrators.
Just 10 years back, Indians themselves considered computerisation of Indian railways and Indian banks impossible. They have broken their own boundaries....
Indian press is ferocious and free, that's why our scandals tumble out regularly.
Agreed, it's a fact that DRDO has not too much to show compared to NASA but for a country where real technology happened just about 15 years back; it's progress in missile, nuclear, IT and bio-technology etc are not worth giving a pass. And all this despite the corruption, poverty .... snakes, elephants, and whatever else people who are unaware of the new India can imagine.
And Indian GDP has been growing more than 8% for last more than a decade. And the recession that's gripping the west still very strongly did barely touch India. Indian IT giants with 100,000 work force plus managed to shed just about 1% of employees.
I think many in the west need to change their attitude towards the world outside their back yards; especially the new world of the last decade plus. India is fast moving and fast changing. Many Indian expats themselves have already changed their attitude of hopelessness about their country of birth and some have returned to equal to or higher paying jobs at Bangalore, Gurgaon or Hyderabad ...
The new generation of Indian youth is getting involved with Govt projects. Indian Govt is one of the major investors on infrastructure, technology, power, compared to it's industry counterparts.
There are young people there who are making it their life's mission to work in backward parts of India, connecting it's people to it's resources, and facilities. Such people are the backbones and bulding blocks of the emerging India.
It's a people whose time has arrived; may be a OS is not rocket science after all.....
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